The Human Eye Welcome To Rick's Studio

My name is Rick Hines. That is me to the right and below. I am an artist who specializes in many types of art. My operating principle is to match the message to the medium. Some things can be done with music that can't be done with writing. A painting of something can say other things than a photograph. Over the years, I have done many different projects, but lately I have been a musician, photographer, and sketch artist mostly. I have also been investigating computer-related design, but mainly in the service of the aforementioned specialties. I also enjoy writing, which manifests itself mainly in song lyrics.

I will be developing this site to provide a complete guide to my art projects over the years. Rick's Studio will be constantly evolving. Archive works will be added in the future along with any new projects I complete (see the What's New page), so please return again!

Cartoon Rick
Photo by Greg Hines

I welcome feedback from everyone regarding anything they see on this site. If a work spoke to you in some fashion, please drop me a short note to at least tell me which one you liked. I do not sell my work. I make my art as a form of pure expression and artistic investigation: my only reward (aside from having a lot of cool art hanging on my apartment walls!) comes from the feedback I get from viewers. If my work made you think or feel, good or bad, I consider it a success. Thanks for your interest!

This site was designed by me and is dedicated to my Dad, Walt Hines (1927-95).
A special thanks to my brother Greg for taking many of the photos seen here and giving me innumerable tips.

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All work displayed on these pages © Rick Hines unless noted otherwise. Material may not be used without the artist's written permission.