The Human Eye

The Human Eye

1981, oil on canvas, 22" x 28"

This work is part of a series I did after spending some time recuperating from surgery. Impressed by how quickly my body recovered from its being cut open, I began to investigate the representation of the human body in my work. Up until this time, my figures had been rendered in a realistic fashion, and I decided to see what liberties I could take with reality. Here, the distortion comes in the form of the red iris. Just this one touch gives the picture a sort of hyper-reality I find rather tantalizing. Many of the other works in this series would take greater liberties with human form, altering it almost to illegibility, but I find the subtlety of this piece causes it to stand out.

All work displayed on this page © 1981, 2000 Rick Hines.
Material may not be used without the artist's written permission.