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As with most bands, The View eventually turned our thoughts to band t-shirts as a way to promote the group as well as finance it. The exact thought process leading to this design remains lost to history, but the general idea was to find an eye-catching design, lace it with just enough risqué humor to offend some people without really showing anything too blatently offensive, and promote our current single ("Slut Bitch From Hell").

Patman had a rather large comic book collection, and I found that when making flyers for upcoming shows, the imagery was very easy to xerox from the books and had an immediate graphic appeal. It was easy to use white-out to alter the dialogue balloons to make the characters seem fixated on seeing our band. To keep our visual "style" intact, a lot of our other projects also used copied or simulated cartoon imagery, including this shirt. The origin of this girl came from one of Patman's comics, with me redoing her dress and a few features to give her a more contemporary look (the original comic was a reprint of an old 1920's or 30's comic strip). Apparently, the design was still a little old-fashioned, as it was rejected upon review by the band. I redid her hair, and the results passed muster.

Unfortunately, the shirts didn't sell as well as expected, and I still have a great many shirts in storage (e-mail me if you'd like one! They make great gifts, but I digress...). Despite the sales, however, whenever I wear the shirt in public to concerts and what-not, I get a great positive reaction from people, strangers and friends, who see it. Yes, it's true: artists are never appreciated in their own time!

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The T-shirt design.

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My step-mother Marianne (center)
jumps on the bandwagon!

Photo by Walt Hines
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All work displayed on these pages © Rick Hines & The VIEW.
Material may not be used without the artist's written permission.