View With a Room

When I moved to Tampa, I found a publication which catered to local musicians by reviewing large numbers of demo tapes. I had recently released my album View With a Room, so I sent it in to get reviewed. Why do this? It's a way to test the waters and see if the message you are trying to put across is, indeed, getting across. This appeared in Music News-Reviews-Interviews from June 17, 1989. In this case, I was crushed to be told that all my efforts were "boring as hell," but I noticed that the reviewer picked up on the overall "extremely experimental" vibe I was after (perhaps the "theme" of the album). He also called it the most "ambitious" submission that week. Although the album was the apex of my early period recording on a 4-track cassette recorder, the sound was below professional studio quality, so that's probably about as good as it was going to get.

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Rick Hines - Rick Hines' full-force demo View With a Room, is the most ambitious demo in the group. Hines takes full responsibility for everything going on within these 15 tracks. Some rockers, but side two is basically instrumental New Age type sounds. Very Eno-esque and extremely experimental. Also boring as hell.

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All work displayed on these pages © 2011 Rick Hines
except the review, which is © 1989 Music News-Reviews-Interviews.
Material may not be used without the artist's written permission.