Dhalgren 106

Dhalgren 106

1977, 84, oil on canvas, 28" x 22"
(Based on work by Tom Sutton & Klaus Janson)

This was one of my first attempts to capture for myself some of the ideas I found in the pop art of Andy Warhol and the cartoon paintings of Roy Lichtenstein. To subvert meaning, I tried to make the action as oblique as possible (who are those two women, anyway?). I furthered this by placing dialogue in the balloons lifted from a separate source than the images. The images (by two different artists) are from a Logan's Run comic book I picked pretty much at random from a comic book display. The text is lifted from page 106 (the page I was reading the day I needed text in the painting) of one of my favorite books, Dhalgren, by Samuel R. Delany, based on which sentences would fit in the balloons. Arriving in a cloud-covered city, a female character in the book sees the moon through a hole in the clouds ("That's the first time...") and then promptly sees a second moon ("What is it?").

Read an excerpt from Dhalgren.

All work displayed on this page © 1984, 2000 Rick Hines.
Material may not be used without the artist's written permission.