A Measured Room

A Measured Room

1980, oil on canvas, 18" x 24"

What happens when you purposefully ignore the rules? Several ideas twist through this surreal composition. My love of music was represented by the upper and lower rows of square shapes, like a melody running over a bass line. My ideas regarding the duality of existence manifests itself through decomposing the scene by lifting squares out of the ground, revealing the sky also beneath the surface. As the squares lift into the air, the solid squares above shift to one vanishing point while the hole squares below shift to another. The two rows are the same vertical height on the canvas, yet the low horizon line mixed with the skewed vanishing points causes them to appear to be different lengths. A landscape that's not a landscape, solids that don't match their voids, realism coexisting with abstraction. Like the prints of M.C. Escher, each part of this work looks normal, but taken together the effect is one of disorientation.

All work displayed on this page © 1980, 2000 Rick Hines.
Material may not be used without the artist's written permission.